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St Mary's Primary School Pomeroy

Our first week in P4

8th Sep 2023

Welcoming back all the Primary 4’s who have settled so well into their first week back at school.

We took full advantage of the good weather this week and took our maths outdoors. We measured objects bigger than/smaller than and about 1/2 metre. We were also able to fit in a few P.E sessions ☀️☀️

A reminder that our P.E days are Monday and Thursday, the children can wear their P.E kits on these days. P4 girls after school football starts this Wednesday and boys after school football starts Thursday. 
We are also starting tin whistle on Tuesday with Martina and all children are encouraged to take part. This will be £2 each week. 

I look forward to a fun and very important year for the P4’s.


Many thanks,

Miss Quinn